Quick Exit

April 8, 2011 Dublin, iphone, Landscape

This was Wednesday, my fourth flight of the week. The week started on Sunday morning with two alarms set for 4 and 4:05am. No snooze. It takes two alarms to wake me up and get me out of bed. Quick shower, no breakfast (that’s what the Aer Lingus lounges are for after all) and into the car for the drive to the airport. Playing dodgems with the taxis for 20 minutes or so before locating a free space in sectionRead More

Half way to Silver

After I bought the bike back in January, I began hearing about an event called “Photo Rally” on a few of the bike forums. The idea behind it is simple, there are 24 locations throughout the island of Ireland and you need to travel to as many as possible to earn a bronze, silver or gold award at the end of the year. It’s not a recent idea either. It began way back in 1975 with a Limerick man. PhotographingRead More

Another part of Holland

Struck me last night while clearing out some old photo sets from Lightroom, I’ve uploaded relatively few photos from various trips to Holland. These are from 2009 and have sat pretty much unseen since I took them. I’ve blogged a couple of them in the past but neglected the rest. Inkeeping with my attempt at uploading sets instead of singles, here’s the full set. Well, here are a few of them anyway. The rest of them are tucked away inRead More

Irish Blog Awards, six years later.

March 21, 2011 Event, People

The 2011 Irish Blog Awards group. In the back holding glassware, the winners that were present on the night. After six years, the Irish Blog Awards are no more. At least not in their current guise. What’s currently unknown is how or if they will continue. I’m not going to speculate on that. Instead of idle oohing and aahing, here’s some linkage to previous IBA’s. 2006 / 2007 / 2008 / 2009 / 2010 / 2011 It’s said so oftenRead More

Place to be

March 8, 2011 Bronica ETRS, Cork, Film, Landscape

The weather is beginning to turn again and although some Donegal weather forecasting prophet has predicted more snow in the next couple of weeks, I think I’ll take a chance on a green Patricks day instead of a white one. So yeah, weather turning. Thoughts of getting back out and taking some landscapes. Loaded up lightroom and this jumped out of my catalog list. It’s from an almost forgotten roll of velvia I scanned some time back. I’m pretty sureRead More

Tour de Wicklow

February 15, 2011 iphone, Landscape, Wicklow

Buying a bike in January is exquisite torture. Mostly because with the shitty weather, you can’t actually get out and have a proper spin until mid February. It was still a bit too cold to enjoy thoroughly (a fact which I discovered to it’s fullest extent after I removed my helmet at Newcastle beach) and the dark clouds that hung over great portions of the journey appeared as if they might decant a biblical quantity of rain on me atRead More

Anatomy of work travel

February 10, 2011 iphone, UK

Those of you that have ever asked me what I do for a living, besides bitch and moan (which to be honest, feels like a full-time job anyway), well you’ll know that I am a technical support/field engineer. If you don’t know what that actually is, I’m the guy that goes somewhere at the drop of a hat and stays there until either one of two conditions are met. 1. The job is done and I’m allowed to go homeRead More

Flowers Made Easy

The Flowers Made Easy photowalk yesterday in Dublin went off without a hitch, thanks to all the folks at Flowers Made Easy and those at photowalk.ie that made the trip possible. To sum it up in as few words as possible, it was like a trip to the Botanic Gardens but without all the required walking. Also, as you may have been tipped off by the photo above, Fran was knocking about with some foam props. There was also anRead More

All Things Cyclical

February 3, 2011 Cork, Dublin, iphone, Landscape, People

I can’t remember exactly the exact time it happened or any specific reason but apparently all of a sudden an iphone and two cheap applications have seen my 5D and modest yet highly functioning lens collection abandoned to a darkened corner of the spare room. I’ve never been a kind to practice street photography to any great degree so I don’t imagine that it’s out of convenience. It’s certainly not because the phone is a better camera than a nowRead More

Brightness on the Horizon

December 31, 2010 Canon 5D, Landscape, Scotland

Monsters are vanquished, beaten by a brave knight. Lots on the horizon but can’t quite make it out yet. Onward and upward? Maybe. Time and travel will tell. Happy 2011.

Cork bound

December 24, 2010 Kildare, Landscape, People

freezing my toes off on the 10am train to Cork. I wonder if the people in first class got the heating turned on for them…

Guinness Christmas

December 21, 2010 Dublin

Walking home from work yesterday.

A house like this

December 19, 2010 Uncategorized

Julie’s marvelous gingerbread creation. I can’t say I helped much but I did lovingly craft some of the fence out of chocolate fingers.

Tumbling in

December 16, 2010 Canon 5D, Dublin, People

Hadn’t been to the storehouse in a while so when we had visitors back in October it was the perfect excuse/opportunity. Yes, I know this photo has been done before too 😉

Way To Work

December 12, 2010 Dublin, Film, Landscape

One of the regular views on my way to and from work. Not so much lately with the ice, snow and darker evenings though.

Unexpected Beamish

December 7, 2010 Dublin, Film

is unexpected. After being told about a certain pub only 5 minutes walk from my workplace that sells Beamish (or sold it about a year ago at the time this was taken anyway) I had to check it out. And check it out I did.

Right Shape

Scotland. Can I go back now please?


December 1, 2010 Canon 5D, Cork, Event, People

I’m sure all the Cork people will spot what/where this is, despite the lack of detail


November 29, 2010 Canon 5D, Dublin, Event, Macro, Sigma 150 Macro

An obvious plant in the Botanic Gardens.

Bread and Water

November 25, 2010 Black and White, Canon 5D, Cork, Event

Insufficient lodgings at the Cork Gaol. I guess hardwood floors and a place to rest your weary head is better than nothing. No playstations or conjugal visits.