
January 29, 2010 Canon 50, Canon 5D

I dunno.. something different? This was lurking in my archives and I’m in a kind of ‘what can I do with this?’ mood. ‘Not much’ is the answer by the way.

Not made like this anymore

January 27, 2010 Canon 50, Canon 5D, Macro, Scotland

The Transport Museum in Glasgow. Great spot, lots of lovely old bikes! Well, a few old cars too, as you can see here.


January 25, 2010 Canon 50, Canon 5D, Dublin, Event, People

More 3FE goodness/coffee porn from yesterdays official opening. A cappuccino being born. Yes, two more please. Thanks. Keep em coming.

Third Floor Espresso

January 24, 2010 Canon 50, Canon 5D, Dublin, Event

At the official opening of Third Floor Espresso (3FE) on Middle Abbey Street a couple of hours ago. If you’re reading this and you’re local, get down there for some mind bendingly amazing coffee. This is one of the several cappuccinos I’ve had there this weekend.

Rough Times Ahead

January 21, 2010 Canon 50, Canon 5D, Macro, Scotland

An all too unsure if I should be there or not walk around the prep area before an evening of stock car racing in Cowdenbeath. You may have guessed, due to the decor in the photo, that Cowdenbeath is in Scotland. That is all.

Only in Kenyaaaaa

January 18, 2010 Black and White, Canon 5D, Cork

And in Fotaaaaa! Fota Wildlife Park of course. Thought these chaps looked a bit more striking in black & white. While you’re in a link clicking mood, nominations for the Blog Awards have started over at Blog Awards HQ. Head on over and spare a thought for your favorite blogger.

City Hall

Inside Dublin’s City Hall during a photowalk an absolute age ago. Julie having a chat with Darren while everone else was off lying on the ground taking photos of the roof. Or something along those lines.


January 11, 2010 Black and White, Bronica ETRS, Event, Film

From The Burren, last year. Was going to say ‘back when it was sunny and calm’ but I don’t think it’s ever either of those over there. Shot on Ilford PanF 50 with a red filter. Improperly exposed and not a lot done to try and rescue it from that.

The Park

January 9, 2010 Canon 5D, Landscape

And err, everything else. The east river, hudson, harlem and a bit more. Haven’t posted a shot from New York in a while and got a lot more to get through so better start posting a few more now and then.

The Lakes

January 7, 2010 Canon 50, Canon 5D, Kerry, Landscape

Nearly a year ago on the way from Kenmare to Killarney. Don’t get down here that often now, it’s a bit more of a hike from Dublin than it was from Cork.

Perambulate Elsewhere Please

January 5, 2010 Black and White, Canon 5D, Dublin, Event

The snow covered entrance to one of the glasshouses during the January photowalk at the Botanic Gardens. Permission for Perambulation Pending .

Bods at the Bots

January 3, 2010 Canon 5D, Dublin, Event, Macro

The snowy, icy, massively fun photowalk at the Botanic Gardens in Dublin earlier today. It was cold and somewhat slippy but a small price to pay to come away with a collection of photos of ‘everything with snow on it’. Thanks to all who participated, hope to see you all and more on the February walk!

Welcome in the Year

January 1, 2010 Canon 5D, Diana, Dublin, Macro

A quick stroll around the grounds at IMMA this new years morning to capture some of the lingering snow with the Diana fisheye and Canon adapter I got for Christmas. Me likey.

Blue Moon

December 31, 2009 Uncategorized

Having come to my senses somewhat in the first few days of 2010, I’ve replaced the photoshopped monstrosity with a simple, stupidly tight cropped, over sharpened partial lunar eclipse. Enjoy.

The Big Wheel

December 27, 2009 Canon 50, Canon 5D, Dublin, Event

Not exactly the most Christmassy of shots, but meh… We’re currently enjoying a trip to Cork. Eating too much, watching way too much crap TV and generally relaxing and having fun. The true spirit of the season. Best Christmas in a while.

This is Christmas

December 24, 2009 Canon 50, Canon 5D, Dublin, Event

The day before the night before the big man makes an appearance. Posting will likely be light over the Christmas period as I’ll be too busy eating, drinking and giving the appearance of being merry. Enjoy the festivities!

The Guinness Fire

December 21, 2009 Dublin, Event, Landscape

Earlier today, one of the buildings in the Guinness factory at St. James caught fire while work was being carried out on it’s roof. While at work I got a photo on my phone of the plume of thick black smoke a few hundred yards from where the fire was. This shot was taken later in the evening showing the damage to the building once the fire had been put out.

Swans of the Apocalypse

Earlier this year at one of the lakes of Killarney. Shot at Ross Castle.

Johnsons Court

December 13, 2009 Canon 50, Dublin, Event, People

The narrow alley that some men love to hate. Lined on one side with jewellers displaying trays upon trays of elaborate engagement rings and other expensive trinkets in their windows. Lined on the other side by a very high wall. There truly is no escape. For your wallet at least.

You Dancin?

Part of the finally finished set from Kev & Eithne’s wedding in July. Hell of a night. Your turn next Foss…