
Honey, I’m Home

May 24, 2010 Canon 5D, Dublin, Event

The Airfield Farm Photowalk. Not all landscapes or flowers. Oh no. Speaking of photowalks, get yourself over to www.photowalk.ie and take a look at the details of the West Cork photowalk in June. Then sign up for it.

Crow Street

May 3, 2010 Black and White, Dublin

Walking toward South William Street, passing the top of Crow Street I saw the back of this car. Yes please.

Amateur Hour

April 28, 2010 Dublin, Macro, Panasonic LX-3

Making a cappuccino after I got home from work. Also, getting to grips with the wonderful lumix LX-3 I bought a few days ago. Amazingly good, for a compact camera.


April 27, 2010 Canon 5D, Dublin, Event, Macro

Airfield, at the beginning of the walk. Managed to get this before being run out of the way by a troop of girl guides or brownies or whatever they were. Nothing special about it, I just liked the colours.

Growing Up Easy

April 24, 2010 Canon 5D, Dublin, Event

Music to grow up with in the beds at Airfield farm. Brilliant photowalk today, loads of great people and the first photowalk I think I’ve ever been to that was an all-inclusive family event for many photobloggers that usually end up coming out on their own. Many thanks to the staff at Airfield for accommodating our large (40+) group today.

A sense of belonging

I can’t get home tonight, or tomorrow night or possibly the night after. There are places I’d rather be and people I’d rather be there with. Also, happy 2nd birthday glasseyalley


March 18, 2010 Canon 5D, Dublin, Event, People

Tune up and warm up for the parade under strict direction.

Paddys Day Paintjob

March 17, 2010 Canon 30D, Dublin, Event, People

Preparing for the Dublin parade at Parnell Square. Little bit different this year; Instead of shooting the parade, we got to shoot the before scene.


March 11, 2010 Canon 135 f2, Canon 5D, Dublin

I’m always looking for new ways to photograph the glass roof of the greenhouses at the Botanic Gardens. I usually come home with more photos of the bloody roof than I do of the plants. Imagine, going to a botanic garden to take photos of plants?!? Madness!


March 9, 2010 Canon 135 f2, Canon 5D, Dublin

Takeoff from the high wall of the vine border and off to the branches of a nearby tree.


February 18, 2010 Black and White, Dublin, Film

The well worn square at the Irish Museum of Modern Art. Kinda.. Hypnotic…

James Steps

Stairs of a most peculiar length, each taking one and a half steps to climb. An interesting one to climb after a few pints, no wonder there’s a railing in the middle! Loving that 50 f1.8 on the film body. Oh yes.

Neighbours Front Garden

The gardens at IMMA, a five minute walk from home. Not too shabby for a quick stroll.


No, not that Trim, that\’s the weekend after next. This trim is the one they’ve given the hedges in the IMMA gardens. Testing out how close the 50 f1.8 on the A-1 would focus. This close apparently. Loving the neopan. Next I have to test some 100 iso ilford stuff

Lazy Saturday

No harm in posting one more coffee photo after all the others during the week. Anyway, what good is a lazy Saturday if you can’t pop into 3FE for a swift cappuccino? No bloody good, that’s what!

Table for Two

Another from the first roll in the A-1, this was killing a bit of time in the Powerscourt Center while Julie was oogling some fancy wool in the shop upstairs. “Mmmmm fancy wool” or something close to that was uttered several times. Also “worth every penny” and perhaps one more “mmmm fancy wool” for good measure.

Sunday Stroll

A stroll around the grounds at IMMA earlier today to finish off a roll in my newly acquired Canon A-1. Test passed. No light leaks or any other problems apparent on the negs. Apart from user error of course.

The End Result

February 5, 2010 Canon 5D, Dublin, People

Colin Harmon of 3FE next to one of his cappuccino creations. Yes, I know it seemed that yesterdays 3FE photo was going to be it for a while but no, when I looked at this one I just wanted to post it. Sometimes the light that’s available to you just works. This was one of those times. Now, to print some of these shots!

The Pull

February 4, 2010 Canon 5D, Dublin, Macro

Another from the other day down in 3FE on Middle Abbey Street. All aspects of the perfection creation process covered! Instead of posting all the shots one by one and drawing it out over weeks, here they are.


February 2, 2010 Canon 5D, Dublin, People

After posting shots from the official opening day of Third Floor Espresso a few days back, Colin expressed an interested in getting a few more done. Just sometimes, this whole photography lark pays dividends! Incidentally, I now realise this is how I wish to spend all my future lunchtimes. Shooting and drinking amazing coffee. Niche in the market?