
Angelas Shop

May 13, 2009 Canon 5D, Cork

And a fine place it is too! The small shop that has everything, nestled into a corner next to Fountainstown beach, between Carrigaline and Crosshaven in Cork. Sweets, ice cream, buckets & spades, sandwiches, tea, coffee, headstones and more. You’ll get it all in Angelas Shop. Well, I lied about one thing. They might not have coffee.

The Old Section

Finally reached the older section of Glasnevin graveyard and just the right time to have borrowed Al’s Hasselblad to run a roll of neopan through.


Shandon, as pictured previously houses a wonderful set of bells. Not so wonderful when you’re next to them as they’re being rung. This is where they live. In a maze of old wooden beams, iron braces and plenty of nuts & bolts.

Day Out

Howth beach. A grand day out while the sun shines. Tides out so plenty of beach to play on. But don’t walk on those ripples of sand for too long in your bare feet or they’ll start to hurt. Or.. at least that’s my experience. Although I don’t think I ever successfully flew a kite. Deprived childhood don’t ya know.

All Natural

May 4, 2009 Canon 5D, Dublin

The side of a building. A building with air conditioning. Or something else that needs very large aluminum pipes. I dunno, I’m not a bloody engineer…

Ross Castle Sunset

Walking around the woods at Ross Castle in Killarney while the sun sets behind us. Just starting to get hungry too. Lucky there’s loads of hotels, pubs and restaurants in the town. Lucky also that it’s just before the tourist season. Although, there was one in the bar. How did she stand out? Why she asked for half a pint of Guinness and half a pint of Bulmers. Mixed in the same glass. A grand ol Irish cocktail.


May 2, 2009 Canon 5D, Dublin, Event, People

A nice pint (or Darren’s nice pint in this case) after the enjoyable photowalk in Dublin a few weeks back. Just love the bull & castle. All the more since discovering they serve “Rebel Red” nearly a year ago. Mmmm.

Tetris 3D

From the people who brought you Tetris, now comes a whole new way to challenge your perspectivability and cromulence. Sorry, no I lost it there at the last minute. It’s the same building, but at a different angle. Outside the city hall in Dublin.


Abandoned looking camper van on the pier at Howth. Abandoned, if only that it looked like someone was sleeping or had slept inside it. Hmmm

All Souls

April 29, 2009 Canon 5D, Dublin, Event, Landscape, People

Glasnevin graveyard, walking from the newer toward the older graves. It’s a calming spot (yes, I know it’s a graveyard). Feels odd to be looking at colour photos again. I need to dev some slide film or something.


A very old Citroen on the pier in Howth, shot with some very old film. Seemed fitting at the time. This fine example of an ancient auto caught the eye of practically all of us, so there will likely be many (or already has been many) shots of it posted on other blogs.

Howth Beach

On Howth beach, shooting a roll of Orwo NP20 that expired 36 years ago. Give or take. January 1973 to be exact. I picked a shot that makes it look as bad as possible, but I am quite pleased with the way it came out. Maybe in a few days I’ll post a cleaner example. Film for this experiment in expired stock kindly donated by Julie.

Streets paved with…

Just outside Dublin castle during the meetup a couple of weeks ago. Have been very much living an off-line existence the last few days, back from a couple of days in London and another chance to fly with the “we’re as pleasant as we’re going to get, ALRIGHT?” Aer Lingus.


Kinda back where I started, nice landscapes catching my eye and the first from the film that I will get printed over the coming week or so. Driving back towards Dublin after a day around the Wicklow and Sally gap. Really love that Ilford Pan F 50 iso film too. Going to have to stock up on that! On a related note to the title of the image, today marks one year since I posted the first photo on glasseyRead More


The vaults at Glasnevin Cemetery in Dublin. Not the kind of place to be walking around at night if you’re of the paranoid, ‘things really do go bump in the night’ crowd. Or during the day if you’ve got someone with you who was planning to sneak up on you when you were composing a photo.

The Gap

April 11, 2009 Black and White, Film, Kerry, Landscape

Driving through the Gap of Dunloe in Kerry. This time with a camera and with the inclination to take photos. Last time, not so much. There was a heavy mist lying low on the hills so the black and whites possibly look a bit dull and grey. The velvia should be interesting though. The place was crazy colourful.

The Black Stuff

In a similar shot posted by a whole load more people that were there on the day, heres a bit of Guinness for ya! Mine took a bit longer to get online due to the whole pesky developing, drying, scanning, processing thing. I\’m sure you understand. Also, feels a little strange that as I’m uploading this, I’m looking out the office window at the building in the picture. Fuhreaky!

Crumbling Castles

A castle on Fountainstown beach built with the stony sand mixture, which is all that’s available at high tide. One of the best beaches for ‘beach stuff’ (i.e. flotsam or litter), possibly only second to the strip of beaches and rocks you’d travel if you were to walk between Fountainstown and Myrtleville beaches.

My Spuds! Mine!!

Just like everyone else, I finally got a shot of these protective little gnomes in their shed at the vegetable garden in Dublin’s Botanic Gardens. They seem to be quite popular and word on the street has it that they’re in for a surprise.

Wall of Names

Memorial for the masses in the shade of blossom at Glasnevin Cemetery in Dublin. Took a long overdue drive up there on Sunday with Al for some filmy goodness. Cannot beat an afternoon of filmy goodness!