The Burren

So I’ve not been around here in the last few days. Updating has gotten rather slack and I blame at least 67% of that on trying to get my SoFoBoMo ’09 book done on time. Time which runs out tomorrow. Thankfully, that’s no longer an issue. My PDF is all built & uploaded, a whole day ahead of schedule. Miracle! Now I can (have to) get back to regularly updating here. The backlog of photos I have to process (andRead More

Boating on the Lakes

Possibly one of the most fantastic places in the world* is the ring of Kerry. I love the place. I had a habit of going down there every other weekend when I lived in Cork so taking trip down a couple of months back to drive around there for a few days was a plan brilliant in it’s simplicity. Or err, something like that. (*given that I haven’t seen a lot of the world…yet)

Among The Trees

May 25, 2009 Canon 50, Canon 5D, Cork, Macro

One of my favourite parts of the whole ‘Gougane Barra’ experience. This is the forest, not too far from the car park. There’s something about the trees there that even when it’s heaving with the tourist masses during the summer months, it has an odd kind of calm about it. Maybe it’s the goblins and such?

Table Dressing

May 24, 2009 Canon 50, Canon 5D, Macro

Everything around the shop in Donadea park seems very well presented. Or at least as well presented as you can get when in the middle of a forest in the middle of nowhere. Flowers all over, including on the picnic tables.

A Park for Cars

I don’t put a lot of thought into things sometimes. Planning ahead with any great certainty or in any massively well thought out way isn’t my bag baby. That might explain why I forgot my keys when I went down to the car park before work one morning… And locked myself in only to be rescued by an unwitting neighbour some 15 minutes later.


James’ street, just before it turns into Thomas street. What in previous years would have been your last chance to buy flowers of sweets for a friend or relative in St. James Hospital up the road. Nowadays, you can choose from any one of 45,000 spar or Centra shops in the immediate area.

Out to Dry

May 20, 2009 Canon 5D, Cork, Macro

On a recent trip back to Cork to catch up with the family & friends. Farting about with Al’s Lensbaby 3G in the back garden. You could shoot handheld with it.. if you had at least one extra hand. Still, soft is good sometimes!

The Church

I’m tempted to say “St. Kevins” in Donadea. But I don’t actually know. Saint something or others. An eerie feeling accompanies this shot. The thought that while peering through the lens at the scene a face from inside the glass would pop out and stare back. I braved it out and took the shot anyway. And yes, I watch too much TV.

Freshness in a Cup

May 18, 2009 Canon 5D, Dublin, Macro

A cup of something fresh at Donadea. Although, I wouldn’t try drinking it. Unless it was a bet. Or I was already drunk. Best not go too far down that road right now.

Comhairle Chontae Chorcaí

May 14, 2009 Canon 5D, Cork

Ready to save a life. Perpetually pooped on by passing gulls the size of Ford Fiestas. The old model. Marks the start of what is turning into an ever more treacherous stroll across the rocks from Fountainstown to Myrtleville. Makes it all the more enjoyable.

Angelas Shop

May 13, 2009 Canon 5D, Cork

And a fine place it is too! The small shop that has everything, nestled into a corner next to Fountainstown beach, between Carrigaline and Crosshaven in Cork. Sweets, ice cream, buckets & spades, sandwiches, tea, coffee, headstones and more. You’ll get it all in Angelas Shop. Well, I lied about one thing. They might not have coffee.

The Old Section

Finally reached the older section of Glasnevin graveyard and just the right time to have borrowed Al’s Hasselblad to run a roll of neopan through.


Shandon, as pictured previously houses a wonderful set of bells. Not so wonderful when you’re next to them as they’re being rung. This is where they live. In a maze of old wooden beams, iron braces and plenty of nuts & bolts.

Day Out

Howth beach. A grand day out while the sun shines. Tides out so plenty of beach to play on. But don’t walk on those ripples of sand for too long in your bare feet or they’ll start to hurt. Or.. at least that’s my experience. Although I don’t think I ever successfully flew a kite. Deprived childhood don’t ya know.

All Natural

May 4, 2009 Canon 5D, Dublin

The side of a building. A building with air conditioning. Or something else that needs very large aluminum pipes. I dunno, I’m not a bloody engineer…

Ross Castle Sunset

Walking around the woods at Ross Castle in Killarney while the sun sets behind us. Just starting to get hungry too. Lucky there’s loads of hotels, pubs and restaurants in the town. Lucky also that it’s just before the tourist season. Although, there was one in the bar. How did she stand out? Why she asked for half a pint of Guinness and half a pint of Bulmers. Mixed in the same glass. A grand ol Irish cocktail.


May 2, 2009 Canon 5D, Dublin, Event, People

A nice pint (or Darren’s nice pint in this case) after the enjoyable photowalk in Dublin a few weeks back. Just love the bull & castle. All the more since discovering they serve “Rebel Red” nearly a year ago. Mmmm.

Tetris 3D

From the people who brought you Tetris, now comes a whole new way to challenge your perspectivability and cromulence. Sorry, no I lost it there at the last minute. It’s the same building, but at a different angle. Outside the city hall in Dublin.


Abandoned looking camper van on the pier at Howth. Abandoned, if only that it looked like someone was sleeping or had slept inside it. Hmmm

All Souls

April 29, 2009 Canon 5D, Dublin, Event, Landscape, People

Glasnevin graveyard, walking from the newer toward the older graves. It’s a calming spot (yes, I know it’s a graveyard). Feels odd to be looking at colour photos again. I need to dev some slide film or something.