The Gangs all Here
Brogans, Trim. After the chilly photowalk came a nice hot dinner and a few cold pints. Neopan 1600 pushed to 3200. Came out quite well, apart from the crappy scanning.
Brogans, Trim. After the chilly photowalk came a nice hot dinner and a few cold pints. Neopan 1600 pushed to 3200. Came out quite well, apart from the crappy scanning.
Another from Newtown Cemetery in Trim and the first of the film. Took alomst as long to remove the dust from a few shots as it did to scan three 36exp rolls. Should really clean the scanner.
Small/Far away. You decide. New York from out on the east river.
Making my way downstairs from yesterdays shot. There’s something about this area of the castle that both the Bronica and the panf really, really liked.
Finally developed and scanned a couple of rolls of PanF 50 from Charleville last year. Wouldn’t ya know it, grabbed the Bronica, stuck it on the tripod and headed straight for the stairs. Predictable or what?
The morning after the night in Brogans and the 9:30am Sunday breakfast. Bective Abbey, near Trim. Only a few braved the hangovers. More importantly though, breakfast at 9:30am on a Sunday? That’s inhumane!!
The cemetery at Newtown in Trim where you can be cured of your wartyness. Simply bring a safety pin and deposit at the grave of Sir Lucas Dillion and his wife. I didn’t bring a pin so I can’t test the theory.
The well worn square at the Irish Museum of Modern Art. Kinda.. Hypnotic…
Stairs of a most peculiar length, each taking one and a half steps to climb. An interesting one to climb after a few pints, no wonder there’s a railing in the middle! Loving that 50 f1.8 on the film body. Oh yes.
The gardens at IMMA, a five minute walk from home. Not too shabby for a quick stroll.
No, not that Trim, that\’s the weekend after next. This trim is the one they’ve given the hedges in the IMMA gardens. Testing out how close the 50 f1.8 on the A-1 would focus. This close apparently. Loving the neopan. Next I have to test some 100 iso ilford stuff
No harm in posting one more coffee photo after all the others during the week. Anyway, what good is a lazy Saturday if you can’t pop into 3FE for a swift cappuccino? No bloody good, that’s what!
Another from the first roll in the A-1, this was killing a bit of time in the Powerscourt Center while Julie was oogling some fancy wool in the shop upstairs. “Mmmmm fancy wool” or something close to that was uttered several times. Also “worth every penny” and perhaps one more “mmmm fancy wool” for good measure.
A stroll around the grounds at IMMA earlier today to finish off a roll in my newly acquired Canon A-1. Test passed. No light leaks or any other problems apparent on the negs. Apart from user error of course.
Colin Harmon of 3FE next to one of his cappuccino creations. Yes, I know it seemed that yesterdays 3FE photo was going to be it for a while but no, when I looked at this one I just wanted to post it. Sometimes the light that’s available to you just works. This was one of those times. Now, to print some of these shots!
After posting shots from the official opening day of Third Floor Espresso a few days back, Colin expressed an interested in getting a few more done. Just sometimes, this whole photography lark pays dividends! Incidentally, I now realise this is how I wish to spend all my future lunchtimes. Shooting and drinking amazing coffee. Niche in the market?
Developing and viewing the results of a few long overdue rolls has reawakened my need to get out and shoot some more black and white. So in honour of that, here’s a black and white from the film archive. Scanning of the newly developed stuff starts tomorrow (hopefully).