Crow Street

May 3, 2010 Black and White, Dublin

Walking toward South William Street, passing the top of Crow Street I saw the back of this car. Yes please.

Amateur Hour

April 28, 2010 Dublin, Macro, Panasonic LX-3

Making a cappuccino after I got home from work. Also, getting to grips with the wonderful lumix LX-3 I bought a few days ago. Amazingly good, for a compact camera.


April 27, 2010 Canon 5D, Dublin, Event, Macro

Airfield, at the beginning of the walk. Managed to get this before being run out of the way by a troop of girl guides or brownies or whatever they were. Nothing special about it, I just liked the colours.

Growing Up Easy

April 24, 2010 Canon 5D, Dublin, Event

Music to grow up with in the beds at Airfield farm. Brilliant photowalk today, loads of great people and the first photowalk I think I’ve ever been to that was an all-inclusive family event for many photobloggers that usually end up coming out on their own. Many thanks to the staff at Airfield for accommodating our large (40+) group today.

On Deck

Perfectly positioned to trip any fisherman that’s recently landed their catch.

A sense of belonging

I can’t get home tonight, or tomorrow night or possibly the night after. There are places I’d rather be and people I’d rather be there with. Also, happy 2nd birthday glasseyalley

Beyond Porchfield

April 7, 2010 Canon 5D, Event, Landscape, People

After promptly educating us, as he so often would, about why a certain place was called what it was, we strolled on down past Porchfield toward Newtown. The incredibly sad news came earlier this evening that Danny (of passed away earlier today. A man of endless kindness and furious wit, he will be sadly missed by all who ever came into contact with him.


April 6, 2010 iphone, UK

Cross the tracks safely at Hanwell station in west London. On the way back to Heathrow after a rainy day of meetings in the city. Yes, this is a lazy shot and it’s the first of the fauxlaroids I’m going to be posting. For two main reasons; 1, I’m too lazy to load lightroom and 2, I’m too lazy to develop film, scan it and then load lightroom.

The Bloggies

March 29, 2010 Canon 24-70, Canon 5D, Event, Galway

Back from the blog awards in Galway on Saturday. Well, actually got back yesterday afternoon but ended up sleeping for the rest of the day. Once again an epic session organised superbly well by Damien and his regular band of helpers, assistants and whatever you’re having yourself. Roll on IBA2011 I guess?

Welcome to Spanish

An evening stroll on the deserted beach at Spanish Point in Clare. This reminds me that I need to break out the Bronica again very soon.


March 18, 2010 Canon 5D, Dublin, Event, People

Tune up and warm up for the parade under strict direction.

Paddys Day Paintjob

March 17, 2010 Canon 30D, Dublin, Event, People

Preparing for the Dublin parade at Parnell Square. Little bit different this year; Instead of shooting the parade, we got to shoot the before scene.

The Long Grass

March 16, 2010 Canon 5D, Landscape, Wicklow

Another from the Sally Gap, as if you haven\’t had enough already. Nothing too ‘Saint Patricksy’ for today, mostly because going into the other room and plugging in the external drive seems like too much work. Yes, I’m that lazy.

Spring at the Gap

March 13, 2010 Canon 5D, Landscape, Wicklow

Sally Gap, last weekend. One of the first spots where you can pull the car over and look out over the hills. Until of course some tourists in a rental car trying to park behind you almost break both your legs. Nice day overall though.

Natural Habitat

March 12, 2010 Canon 5D, Landscape, People, Wicklow

Take away the bugs, toads, give her a pair of wellies and I’m sure she’d be right at home.


March 11, 2010 Canon 135 f2, Canon 5D, Dublin

I’m always looking for new ways to photograph the glass roof of the greenhouses at the Botanic Gardens. I usually come home with more photos of the bloody roof than I do of the plants. Imagine, going to a botanic garden to take photos of plants?!? Madness!


March 9, 2010 Canon 135 f2, Canon 5D, Dublin

Takeoff from the high wall of the vine border and off to the branches of a nearby tree.

Four Legged Photowalker

March 8, 2010 Canon 5D, Event

We met this cheery little fella up at Bective Abbey on Sunday morning. He trotted down the road to meet us, followed along by our side for a while then went on his merry way up a grassy lane.

Bald Spot

March 7, 2010 Canon 5D, Landscape, Wicklow

A surprising amount of snow is still resting on the hills in Wicklow, as we found out yesterday while taking a drive from Dublin to Glendalough (scenic route of course)

Sheep of the Apocalypse

Distant relative of the swans, here stands the most menacing sheep you’ll ever lay eyes on. Not small, just far away. Menacing all the same though