
The Post-Christmas Walk

December 26, 2018 Canon 24-70, Canon 60D, Cork

Normally applied as a digestive aid after consuming a significant amount of dinner on Christmas Day. This time (owing mostly to laziness) it had to wait until St. Stephen’s Day. Usually to some beach or forest, in this case Garrettstown. An unexpectedly energetic affair, taking the rocky route between the two beaches thanks to the low tide. Except not really, quit a little over half way due to increasingly slippy conditions and not wanting to face plant onto a rock.Read More

Autumn in Fota

November 10, 2018 Canon 50, Canon 60D, Cork, Macro

Since moving back to Cork from Dublin in 2013, Fota Gardens has been like the replacement for IMMA, the Botanic Gardens and the War Memorial all in one. Something to look at all year round. If there’s one place in Cork that I’ve probably photographed to death at this point, this is it. Still manage to find something new or a new way at looking at something old. Most of the time anyway.

The Kitchen Garden II

October 8, 2018 Canon 24-70, Canon 5D, Cork, Macro

Back to the kitchen garden at Fota Gardens, where there are flowers hanging around in all sorts of photogenic places. Previously in this outing.

Cast Away

September 26, 2018 Canon 24-70, Canon 5D, Cork, Landscape, People

Trying to catch some dinner at Fort Camden in Crosshaven.

Nano Nagle Place

September 23, 2018 Cork, Macro, X100

First time visiting Nano Nagle Place on Douglas Street in the city. Heard great things about it, now believe them all. Took far too many photos of this particularly impressive and hugely detailed glass sculpture, so there’s another one below. Can’t wait to go back, grab a coffee, sit on the grass and watch the world go by.

The Entrance to the Harbour

September 22, 2018 Canon 5D, Canon 85 f1.8, Cork, Landscape

Taken a few weeks ago during a walk around Fort Camden. Roches Point lighthouse on the left and France somewhere off in the distance, calling me and the bike.

Stars in the Solar System

September 17, 2018 Canon 24-70, Canon 5D, Cork

Back to Fountainstown and I’ve always loved the wide range of colourful rocks that are on the various small beaches on the walk over the rocks to Myrtleville. Even more colourful when they’re being tossed around by the incoming waves. Also, I just noticed that when I posted an image in portrait orientation, it was about the size of a modest billboard. That’s somewhat fixed. Now less scrolling is required to see the full image. Sorry about that. I’m alsoRead More

The Kitchen Garden

September 15, 2018 Canon 24-70, Canon 5D, Cork, Macro

It seemed we were cursed never to get back in here. Every time we’d been to Fota Gardens recently, the kitchen garden was closed. Not today thankfully.

Over Camden

September 12, 2018 Canon 5D, Canon 85 f1.8, Cork, Landscape

Nice afternoon for a stroll around fort Camden in Crosshaven. First time in quite a while.

Back to the Beach

September 10, 2018 Canon 24-70, Canon 5D, Cork

I didn’t realise how long it’d been since I was last on the rocks at Fountainstown until we went down there yesterday afternoon. I still don’t know how long it’s been, but it’s been quite a while.

Jurassic Park

September 6, 2018 Canon 50, Canon 60D, Cork, People

”Holy shit, that leaf is as big as your head. Hold it up so I can get proof”

Lone Wanderer

Figures suddenly appearing out of the thick fog as we were walking to the lighthouse at Sheeps Head. Not a situation to be in if you’re paranoid or have seen too many horror films.

Safety First

August 27, 2018 Canon 24-70, Canon 5D, Cork, Landscape

The often captured (seldom with any originality) steps leading down to the lighthouse at Sheeps Head.

A New Bridge

Gone are the days of hop, skip and jumping between tufts of grass to avoid sinking in the bog. Still, you’d kind of miss the added excitement. Sheeps Head again…

The Low Wall

August 21, 2018 Canon 24-70, Canon 5D, Cork, Landscape

Possibly designed to keep sheep in or out. Very, very small sheep.

Sheeps Head Lighthouse

August 19, 2018 Canon 24-70, Canon 5D, Cork, Landscape

Just a little bit misty down at Sheeps Head yesterday. Perseverance paid off, although not much of a day for whale watching or landscape photography. First time in a long time that the 5D came out, and I realise how much I missed full frame digital.

The Woods on Velvia

August 12, 2018 Bronica ETRS, Cork, Film, Landscape

Back in those ‘good old days’ when I shot (and processed) a lot of medium format Velvia. Before getting entirely sick of it and selling my Jobo processing kit and forgetting which box my Bronica got stored in. Amazing what jumps out at you when you haven’t opened Lightroom in a year or two. I should really look for that Bronica…

Last of the evening sun

What with it being the first of the year and all, I usually get the urge to do something productive, if only in an attempt to prove to myself that I can and in the hope that I’ll continue to try to outdo myself as the week/month/year progresses. Productivity started early(ish) this January 1st with a trip to the gym. Yes, I’m one of those people now. After all that unpleasantness was over, I wanted to get out somewhere localRead More

Cobwebs Away

December 14, 2016 Cork, Landscape, OnePlus3

Since moving back to Cork a few years ago, I’ve started to rediscover some of my favorite local places where I’d go to get out of my head for a few minutes and enjoy the familiarity of the scenery. More often these days, I don’t think to grab a camera before leaving the house, but looking at it another way, I guess I always have a perfectly serviceable camera in my pocket. The photos just very rarely make it anyRead More

The Wilds

It’s been a little while since we were really in Kerry, not just passing through Kenmare or Killarney on a round trip from Molls Gap or Strawberry fields (a wonderful pancake house near the Kenmare side of Molls Gap). Really in Kerry, like so far west the land stops and the next stop is America. We took an overnight trip down to the land of ‘here be dragons’ beyond Kenmare to celebrate our anniversary and stayed in Parknasilla. Of course,Read More