Seasons Changing

November 11, 2008 Canon 24-70, Canon 5D, Landscape, Wicklow

Further evidence, as if the cold and darker evenings weren’t proof enough, that the seasons are changing. Depths of winter are closing in fast and hey, there are only (insert ever decreasing number here) more shopping days left until Christmas! We were last along this road when everything was lush and green and it’s fantastic to see it again in various shades of browns, coppers and golds. If you’re in the area, I’d strongly suggest a drive down there.

The Tunnel

November 9, 2008 Canon 5D, Dublin, Macro, Sigma 150 Macro

Back! Spent much of the last week working in London sans photos and therefore the photoblog was sans update. However, I’m back now! This is another of the botanic gardens macros, and one I’m quite happy with. Back to Cork tomorrow, first time being so far south in over a week. That’s a bit mad…

Back to the Macro

October 31, 2008 Canon 5D, Dublin, Macro

Another wonderful couple of hours spent at the Botanic Gardens in Dublin. The place seems to change every time we go there and yet again, I saw something I hadn’t seen before. And that’s not even taking into account the new looking ‘vegetable garden’ they\’re building. I was going to put up something Halloweeny today, but meh, this’ll have to do!

Old Boney

October 28, 2008 Canon 24-70, Canon 5D, Event

Dressed to kill and resting calmly in the library in Charleville Castle. It’s the little things in life…

Those Stairs

October 24, 2008 Canon 24-70, Canon 5D, Event

Possibly one of the most photographed staircases in all of Ireland, the slightly rickety and massively eerie stairs at Charleville Castle in Tullamore. Many have photographed this before, most with amazing results.

Welcome to Charleville

October 20, 2008 Canon 24-70, Canon 5D, Event

Charleville Castle in Tullamore, Co. Offaly. Recently spent a night here as part of the now annual event. Possibly not one of the most haunted buildings in the country, but definitely holds the record for the loudest snorers. Next time, bring ear plugs and duck tape. The ear plugs are for me. More to come over the next few days/weeks/months/years.

All Things Dublin

October 14, 2008 Canon 50, Canon 5D, Dublin, Event

A pint of Dublin sitting on a bar in a hotel in Dublin. No, the Guinness wasn’t great. It rarely is. Taken after packing up the gear at the first Irish Web Awards, another hugely successful event organised by Damien. Hit a wall of tiredness after not too long and had to retire for the evening. but the night was a huge success. Well done to all those involved. On a somewhat more disturbing note, I’ve grown rather attached toRead More

Botanic Brown

October 9, 2008 Dublin, Event, Macro, Sigma 150 Macro

Natural (as in not squirted or dropped by one in our company) water drops on a plant at the botanic gardens in Dublin. First time in a long time that I’ve used my macro lens. A refreshing change.


An enjoyable afternoon spent at the Botanic Gardens in Dublin. Simon made the mistake of ‘loaning’ me his Canon 24mm f3.5L tilt shift lens. I very much doubt he’ll be getting it back. It’s my first attempt at anything tilty, having become an expert in all things slightly shifty some years ago. It’s a new experience… But then, lots of things are proving to be new experiences these days. Hmmm..

The Powerscourt Mixed Bees

October 1, 2008 Canon 24-70, Canon 5D, Dublin, Macro

A bee (possibly of the mixed variety) takes flight off some lavender (thanks) as the sun shone brilliantly for once. Proof that at least we had one weekend of sunshine this summer/autumn. Now, as we’re into Q4 expect dark evenings, wind, rain and all kindsa other marvellous goings on. Super.

The Process of Pizza

September 30, 2008 Canon 24-70, Canon 5D, Dublin, People

Pizza, made from scratch on Saturday night, with all the mess that comes along with it. There have been more good weekends lately than bad ones. Similarly, there have been more fantastic ones than good ones. This was such a weekend.

A Study in Texture…

September 23, 2008 Canon 50, Canon 5D, Galway

…taking the rough with the smooth. In sharp contrast to the coarse, gritty sand. Sitting on a beach on Inishmore island, enjoying the sunshine.


September 21, 2008 Canon 24-70, Canon 5D, Macro, Scotland

Fallen from the tree, perhaps knocked off by a careless tourist, but still looking rather healthy while lying in the middle of a cold steel grated floor. Sometimes, when you think nothing good can be made of a bad situation, you have to take a step back (and in this case a crouch down) to get the full picture. And then crop a bit.


September 19, 2008 Canon 24-70, Canon 30D, Kerry, Landscape

Valentia Island in county Kerry. Was there back in August 2007 after being invited down by a boards member who is also a regular visitor to the island. I can see why. Need to get down there again soon. Having spent the last few hours cleaning up my lightroom catalog, I dug into the archives for this one. It’s here both in anticipation of an upcoming trip to Kerry (first in a long time) and to remind Danny that we’reRead More

Long Way Down

September 16, 2008 Canon 24-70, Canon 50, Galway, Landscape

Just about as close as I’m willing to get to the edge to photograph the sheer cliff face on Inishmore island. Some people were far braver, dangling various body parts over the edge. I’d rather not leave it to chance (and a strong gust of wind) to decide if I live or die. Thanks all the same. I’ll save myself from a severely gravitational death and back away to peruse other things in the immediate vicinity that are clearly allRead More


September 12, 2008 Canon 24-70, Canon 5D, Macro, Waterford

Rusted cogs, part of a long ago abandoned piece of machinery on the copper coast in Waterford. Impossible to get started, or so you’d think. With a little work and enough determination, anything can be made to work.

Path Back Down

September 10, 2008 Canon 50, Canon 5D, Galway, Landscape

The path back down the hill from Fort Aonghus on Inishmore island. It rained on the way up. Rained the kind of rain that bounces back up off the ground and soaks you twice instead of once. My prediction was that it’d stop within 3 minutes and 30 seconds; I think I was wrong by about 5 seconds. Thankfully, the sun came out and dried everything out within a few minutes. Also thankfully, there was significantly less “I’m not goingRead More

Leaving the Island

September 8, 2008 Black and White, Canon 50, Canon 5D, Galway

Leaving Inishmore, why would anyone want to do it? Sitting on the grey, coarse sand after cycling (yes, cycling.. I shit you not) to the beach beyond the airport. Could go back and sit on that beach for hours. Unless it was raining. Which it did a lot.

Walls of Hell

September 3, 2008 Canon 24-70, Canon 50, Galway, Landscape

Well, not quite. The very well built and freakishly well maintained walls of Dun Aonghusa fort on Inishmore island. Definitely worth the walk up the hill to see it!

Saved From a Fall

September 2, 2008 Canon 24-70, Canon 5D, Macro, Waterford

The stone with the sad face saved from a fall into the black unknown by a once great grate. Held there, suspended forever in grateness.