Married Man’s Shoes
At Kev & Eithne’s wedding in east Cork back in July. A fantastic event held at an incredible location. Also very glad to see that Kev wore his usual footwear. Good man Kev!
Glendalough, much earlier in the year. One of those magical places in Ireland that I’ve never failed to come away from with a shot that works.
Been down to the market in Blackrock a couple of times now. Lots of interesting stuff there. Topped off nicely with a crepe and then a walk up the street for a cup of something tasty in Starbucks.
Walking back from the official end of the photo taking at the Scott Kelby photowalk in Dublin. Walking back to the pub that is. Reflected in the glass of one of the possibly under construction buildings.
A high rise apartment block on the other side of the water at grand canal dock in Dublin. Only been down to this area a few times but it seems like it’d be a nice (if expensive) place to live.
Reading a little bit too much into that very entertaining bonfire on the grounds of Charleville castle during the meetup a couple of weeks ago.
In Kinderdijk, in a windmill, looking out a window at… another windmill. Or two. Here she is, no doubt making that ‘photo taking’ face. Concentration I tells ya!
Back from yet another fun packed (a little too fun packed) weekend at Charleville castle. Taken with a recently made pinhole lens (i.e. a body cap with a hole in it). I’m quite pleasantly surprised at how they came out. Wasn’t expecting such positive results. It does prove how much I need to clean my 5D’s sensor though…
About a year ago, a crowd went to Charleville castle in Tullamore. Most (or all) of them spent a great deal of time right here, on these stairs. No doubt it’ll be the same this year. Or, this weekend to be more precise. This time I’m going armed with a lot of black & white film…
More Velvia, this time from the Howth film meetup that took place a long, long time ago. Very little processing to be done on this one thankfully, just a few spots of dust and the odd tiny hair. Need a clean place to dry my negs!
Part of the stack of Velvia that\’s been sitting, waiting to be scanned for months. This is my very first post of a shot taken on velvia and I\’m going to start as I mean to go on. All the velvia shots I\’m going to post will be exactly as they came out of the scanner. Which, hopefully, will be very close to exactly how they came out of the camera. The only alterations I\’m going to allow myself areRead More
Construction work at the Samuel Beckett bridge continues at the docklands. Not pictured; the fences, construction machinery and various warning signs.
After a good few hours of mad, unchecked creativity, we all needed a pint or three. Chilling out in the Ferryman after the Scott Kelby photowalk in Dublin.
The reflection (just can’t get enough of them) in an office window down around the Dublin docklands.
Possibly Julie’s first outing with the Polaroid 440 that some genius got her for her birthday. Some king among men. May all the Gods bless him, wherever he is… (also, just loving that 135 f2L)
Spotted this and amused myself with how much it looked like a status bar when viewed at the correct angle. Or… maybe not.
I’m sure this buzzer worked at some stage. Possibly for about 12 hours the day it was installed at the similarly spray painted apartment building on Windmill Lane.
Trying to drive the poor man crazy at the seemingly poor start of the Scott Kelby Photowalk. He wasn’t having any of it. Also, if you’ve never seen two dozen people photographing a tram before, I heartily recommend it. Very entertaining.
Near ‘no photograhers land’ at the back of Connolly station during the Scott Kelby Worldwide Photowalk. A lovely red freshly rained on mini.