You Dancin?
Part of the finally finished set from Kev & Eithne’s wedding in July. Hell of a night. Your turn next Foss…
Part of the finally finished set from Kev & Eithne’s wedding in July. Hell of a night. Your turn next Foss…
A couple taking a breather during a walk around the woods at Ross Castle in Killarney, Kerry. This was back when the weather was nicer. What is it some people call it, summer? Sounds familiar.
So it was heard; Or rather overheard at these very cliffs that this tower (O’Brien’s Tower) is in fact the highest point in the world! THE WORLD! Where, you may rightly ask, did this groundbreaking nugget of information come from? Why, from middle-aged American tourists of course. I never knew that before. Someone better tell all those fools that climbed Everest that they should have been on the west coast of Ireland instead. So I’ve been aching to get moreRead More
Daisies, getting on a bit. This was only a couple of short months ago. Back then, Christmas seemed like an eternity away. I didn’t let things like buying presents for loved ones concern me. Err, I really need to get started on that.
On the way back from the park, climbing the steps for the long walk back across the Brooklyn bridge.
An apartment building lit up by the sun. Passed by it while strolling around the west side on a mission of exploration.
Taking to the water in New York City for a cruise around the Statue of Liberty and back. Also, baking in the September sun. Toasty. Thinking of a new year photowalk + pints in Dublin city. If you’re interested, follow me on twitter and we’ll all have a chat about it when the time comes.
Camera geekery aplenty. The whole week was one big photowalk with the odd break in between for cupcakes and shopping. The recent wave of people booking long weekends in New York for Christmas (there, I said it) shopping spurred me on to process another of these. Now I just have to get around to the other few hundred.
Came home on Friday 13th to this. Someone had been fucking with a fire hydrant, screwed up the tap which came loose and unleashed quite a bit of water. That water made it’s way to the underground car park and to the electricity supply. The electricity sub boards are, funnily enough, right below where the hydrant is. Power was off for a few hours and the car park had a new swimming pool installed. A member of the Dublin fireRead More
What turned into a regular daily walk from the hotel on Madison to breakfast (also on Madison) then to the subway to get to any of our chosen uptown or downtown destinations.
Mixed reports circulated on this spot for years. Appears to be closed now, possibly for the better. Better not to delve too deep into the details to save my more sensitive visitors. The old animals home on the quays in Cork.
Gemsbok in the American Museum of Natural History in New York City posing for a photo. No need to ask them to hold still in this case.
Eoin standing the balcony overlooking the dancefloor at Kevs wedding. Carefully guarding his fresh pint of Murphys. In the background, a couple of those pesky bloody photographers. Flicking back through these reminds me that I still have to get the rest of Kev & Eithne’s wedding photos processed. It’ll happen before the end of the year, of that I’m sure!
Don’t know what else to call it. Maybe ‘Hairy Red Snakes’ or something similar. An odd plant at Airfield Farm in Dundrum.
On arriving in the city and settling into the hotel (not this one though), what do you think the first thing we did was? Took a stroll around the streets in the direction of B&H of course…
Julie’s first day out with the land camera at the national garden exhibition center.
Couldn’t help but think of Jeepers Creepers when I saw this. Although, this is a distinctly more cuddly version. A bit bat-faced, but definitely not as scary. Bit slow on the uptake with the Halloween themed photo today, I blame the truly epic lie in. Now, I’m off to dig out my copy of “The Shining” for tonights entertainment. Enjoy your sweeties!
Just down the road from where we stayed in Bleskensgraaf back in July of this year. The place is a photobook waiting to happen…
Detail in a headstone caught while passing through the graveyard at Glendalough. So many headstones, so little time. I need to get back out to Glasnevin.