Currabinny Woods

January 18, 2015 Canon 60D, Cork

So 2014 was shocking. But only in a ‘motivation to blog’ way. Looking back, I can see I’ve got three posts for the entire year. Looking at my Lightroom catalog doesn’t tell an entirely different story. I’ve got maybe two or three sets of photos that are waiting to be processed and yes, it’s entirely likely they never will be. I’ve got two more honeymoon posts to get written and about a third of the photos yet to process. But looking at photos of sunny France in the middle of freezing cold January in Cork is torturous so it’s not likely they’ll see the light of day for another few months yet.

My intention to ‘focus more on video’ in 2013/14 ended up meaning that not only did I not do a lot of video, I took feck all photos too. That’s not to say there isn’t a backlog of videos waiting to be edited and put into some semi-meaningful order in Final Cut Pro either though.

January is a funny time of year. Everyones broke after Christmas but it doesn’t stop thoughts of spending money from lingering on the mind. Or maybe that’s just me? Over the last couple of weeks I’ve caught myself oogling new camera equipment. Not just that though. I also decided I need a new car, a new job and a new place to live. I know I don’t need any of that (aside from the car maybe, we’ll see what the mechanic says next week). It’s the usual January feeling that you have to dig yourself out of the old and start fresh in the new year.

I even spent some time thinking about how much extra I’d have to raise to get a new one if I was to sell my 5D, 60D, X100, Nex5N and my Bronica. Yes, I already have too many cameras. Knowing that I barely use what I’ve got, I shook myself out of the ‘must buy stuff’ funk last week and resolved to get out with the camera for the first time this year and come home with photos. They didn’t have to be good photos, they just had to be 1’s and 0’s on a memory card that I could throw into a blog post. Just to make myself feel better of course, like I’d achieved something.




A short but entirely enjoyable trip to Currabinny woods to stomp around in the mud for a bit. Then down to the pier to splash around in the high tide. Surf & turf? I dunno.


Now, back to business as usual?

One Reply to “Currabinny Woods”

  1. Donncha says:

    Come on, get your camera out! 🙂

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