
Winter Gardens

November 17, 2008 Canon 24-70, Canon 5D, Cork, Macro

One of the fine examples of Japanese Maple in Fota Gardens, the leaves of which are varying in amazing colours from bright reds to fiery oranges and yellows. Bit different than when I last visited the gardens some time ago. Well, possibly over a year ago. I did neglect Fota Gardens somewhat when I got wind that charges for entry had been increased significantly. Thankfully, that seems to be complete rubbish. Possibly the best visit ever to this wonderful spot!

Ones Own Garden

August 13, 2008 Canon 50, Canon 5D, Cork

The only thing that makes relaxing in ones own back garden anyway less enjoyable is knowing how much work has to be done to it. Or maybe doing the work is the enjoyable part?!? Herein lies the proof that we had at least one day this summer when it didn’t rain. Ahh Irish summers, best subject for complaint ever!


July 22, 2008 Canon 50, Canon 5D, Cork, Macro

Like flowers, we grow and change. Guess all you can really ask for is to be looked after by someone with caring hands up until the dog digs you up or you become food for whatever beasts inhabit the area around where you’re rooted. Am I talking shit yet?


July 16, 2008 Canon 50, Canon 5D, Cork, Strobist

Sometimes, what you are on the inside isn’t the same as what you are on the outside. It’s better to keep some things well hidden. This is one for all the alter ego’s out there.

A Dogs Life

July 9, 2008 Canon 24-70, Canon 5D, Cork

You sleep more or less all day, only getting up to eat. You get taken out for walks to burn off all that energy and then you go home and go back to sleep. Your every need is taken care of. Free bed & board. You never need to work and you’re never in debt. You never owe anything to anyone. People will think you’re cute even when you don’t try to be. You’ll never have any complicated relationships orRead More

Lucky For Some

A bottom of a glass bottle bearing the number thirteen, found on the small beach at Currabinny after undoubtedly spending a good amount of time being tossed around in the waves. I used to spend a portion of my time collecting such pieces of coloured glass on Cork’s stony beaches for some unknown future purpose. As for 13, it’s lucky. Friday the 13th is extremely lucky. Why? You don’t want to know. I couldn’t explain it without rambling on atRead More

Quod Me Nutrit Me Destruit

Watch that last step, it’ll getcha every time…

Long Shadows

June 17, 2008 Canon 50, Canon 5D, Cork, People

Golden hour on the beach at Rocky Bay. A slightly less suggestive version of a later photo involving an L lens and a cunning piece of positioning. Oooh err missus.

Paths Uncertain

Walking to the lighthouse at Sheeps Head in West Cork. Stick to the path, you’ll finally get there. Or, stray from the beaten path and find something more exciting. Or maybe you’ll just end up stepping in sheep shit. Sometimes you just have to take the risks to get the rewards.

The Honan

The Honan Chapel on the grounds of University College Cork is (if I’m not mistaken) probably one of the busiest wedding locations in Cork. But hold on now, before you go booking the picturesque setting for your big day, you have to be either a student, a graduate or a staff member. It’s probably the most ideal location as far as wedding photography is concerned. A thirty second walk from the church door and you’re within spitting distance of allRead More

Rocky Bay

Where I was going to go today but ended up drinking beer & watching TV instead. A lovely relaxing Sunday; I was due one. This is your bog standard landscape really, I just thought it was particularly postable right about now given that the weather doesn’t really know what it’s doing from one day/hour to the next. Now, there’s a bottle of Hoegaarden in the fridge with my name on it. I’ll be off. Actually, Donncha is organising another photowalk.Read More

Splash of Green

A field of rapeseed grows near Garretstown. Fields like this are a common sight at this time of year and are dotted throughout the country, some providing fantastic photo opportunities. The field of bright green next to this bright yellow was irresistible. Well, it looked better in person than I was able to capture on camera. Ah well.

Wild Wood

As per usual, standing in the middle of the stream with my tripod holding my camera mere inches above the water. It’s something that no matter how many times I’ve been to the woods at Gougane Barra, I can’t seem to get away from. At least this time I had the good sense to reclaim some land and build myself a little peninsula before stepping into the unknown. Good day today, wedding went off without a hitch thankfully. Beautiful weatherRead More


May 16, 2008 Canon 50, Canon 5D, Cork, Landscape

First trip out to see the bluebells in Currabinny woods. It was getting late and the light was beginning to drop off fairly rapidly so we didn’t spend long down there. Must take a spin back down there over the coming days to catch some more. Speaking of taking a spin, I was quite looking forward to heading to Dublin this evening/tomorrow morning for the rare meetup of photobloggers that’s taking place. Unfortunately (or maybe fortunately) I’m at a weddingRead More


May 15, 2008 Canon 24-70, Canon 5D, Cork, Macro

Waste plywood strewn on the old tracks at Mogeely train station in east Cork. It’s days like we’ve had recently that make me wish I was self-employed again. Back then, if the sun suddenly came out I could conveniently ‘go missing’ from ‘the office’ and jump on the bike with camera in hand. Those days led to many great trips around west Cork and many a fun time was had. Now, some years later it’s all changed. Now I haveRead More


During golden hour in west Cork. Driving over the mountain on Goats Path on the way back from the lighthouse on Sheeps Head. For a brief moment, a ray of light burst through the cloud.

Newlyweds Transport

Leave the car running? A wedding car sits in wait outside a west Cork church. The wedding season has officially come back into full force and free Saturday’s are a thing of the past. Well, until October anyway. Really must get working on that portfolio/website.

Currabinny Pier

Down in Currabinny, about 10 minutes from my front door, there’s a wonderful pier that stretches out in the direction of Crosshaven across the water. Crosshaven may sound familiar to some as the host town for the Ford Yacht Club event. Currabinny may sound familiar as the place across the water from it. There’s a nice stony beach and a wonderful storehouse down there too. Never fails to offer some kind of photographic opportunities.

Sheeps Head

Just over the mountain at Sheeps Head on Goats Path. The light was outstanding as we crossed the top of the mountain and mid-way through a phone call I saw the way the sun was hitting the hills. Well, I think we both saw it at the same time. It was like a simultaneous moment of \”Bloody hell, look at that!\” By both I mean Darren, who got some great shots too.

Space Ships

May 7, 2008 Canon 24-70, Canon 5D, Cork

Two co-op silos next to the abandoned train station at Mogeely, east Cork. This was the start of the long weekend photo fest. The train station, for such a simple location, always seems to provide some sort of photographic opportunities.