Canon 50


January 29, 2010 Canon 50, Canon 5D

I dunno.. something different? This was lurking in my archives and I’m in a kind of ‘what can I do with this?’ mood. ‘Not much’ is the answer by the way.

Not made like this anymore

January 27, 2010 Canon 50, Canon 5D, Macro, Scotland

The Transport Museum in Glasgow. Great spot, lots of lovely old bikes! Well, a few old cars too, as you can see here.


January 25, 2010 Canon 50, Canon 5D, Dublin, Event, People

More 3FE goodness/coffee porn from yesterdays official opening. A cappuccino being born. Yes, two more please. Thanks. Keep em coming.

Third Floor Espresso

January 24, 2010 Canon 50, Canon 5D, Dublin, Event

At the official opening of Third Floor Espresso (3FE) on Middle Abbey Street a couple of hours ago. If you’re reading this and you’re local, get down there for some mind bendingly amazing coffee. This is one of the several cappuccinos I’ve had there this weekend.

Rough Times Ahead

January 21, 2010 Canon 50, Canon 5D, Macro, Scotland

An all too unsure if I should be there or not walk around the prep area before an evening of stock car racing in Cowdenbeath. You may have guessed, due to the decor in the photo, that Cowdenbeath is in Scotland. That is all.

The Lakes

January 7, 2010 Canon 50, Canon 5D, Kerry, Landscape

Nearly a year ago on the way from Kenmare to Killarney. Don’t get down here that often now, it’s a bit more of a hike from Dublin than it was from Cork.

The Big Wheel

December 27, 2009 Canon 50, Canon 5D, Dublin, Event

Not exactly the most Christmassy of shots, but meh… We’re currently enjoying a trip to Cork. Eating too much, watching way too much crap TV and generally relaxing and having fun. The true spirit of the season. Best Christmas in a while.

This is Christmas

December 24, 2009 Canon 50, Canon 5D, Dublin, Event

The day before the night before the big man makes an appearance. Posting will likely be light over the Christmas period as I’ll be too busy eating, drinking and giving the appearance of being merry. Enjoy the festivities!

Johnsons Court

December 13, 2009 Canon 50, Dublin, Event, People

The narrow alley that some men love to hate. Lined on one side with jewellers displaying trays upon trays of elaborate engagement rings and other expensive trinkets in their windows. Lined on the other side by a very high wall. There truly is no escape. For your wallet at least.

You Dancin?

Part of the finally finished set from Kev & Eithne’s wedding in July. Hell of a night. Your turn next Foss…

Pushing Daisies

December 6, 2009 Canon 50, Canon 5D, Dublin, Macro

Daisies, getting on a bit. This was only a couple of short months ago. Back then, Christmas seemed like an eternity away. I didn’t let things like buying presents for loved ones concern me. Err, I really need to get started on that.

The Impromptu Fountain

Came home on Friday 13th to this. Someone had been fucking with a fire hydrant, screwed up the tap which came loose and unleashed quite a bit of water. That water made it’s way to the underground car park and to the electricity supply. The electricity sub boards are, funnily enough, right below where the hydrant is. Power was off for a few hours and the car park had a new swimming pool installed. A member of the Dublin fireRead More

Sit this one out

Eoin standing the balcony overlooking the dancefloor at Kevs wedding. Carefully guarding his fresh pint of Murphys. In the background, a couple of those pesky bloody photographers. Flicking back through these reminds me that I still have to get the rest of Kev & Eithne’s wedding photos processed. It’ll happen before the end of the year, of that I’m sure!


October 31, 2009 Canon 50, Canon 5D, Dublin

Couldn’t help but think of Jeepers Creepers when I saw this. Although, this is a distinctly more cuddly version. A bit bat-faced, but definitely not as scary. Bit slow on the uptake with the Halloween themed photo today, I blame the truly epic lie in. Now, I’m off to dig out my copy of “The Shining” for tonights entertainment. Enjoy your sweeties!

Look Busy…

October 28, 2009 Canon 50, Canon 5D, Macro, Wicklow

Detail in a headstone caught while passing through the graveyard at Glendalough. So many headstones, so little time. I need to get back out to Glasnevin.

Off tae stockies

October 27, 2009 Canon 50, Canon 5D, Event, People, Scotland

The usual weekend pilgrimage to Cowdenbeath Racewall for some stock car racing. As if that wasn’t enough, just to prove this all took place in Scotland I submit for your attention the above photograph. As always, a wonderful place to spend a weekend. Scotland that is, not a race track. But that’s not bad either.


Dordrecht, side streets leading to the river. Someone likes model ships. Suppose Holland is the country to live in if you’re a fan of the water.

Married Man’s Shoes

August 27, 2009 Canon 50, Canon 5D, Cork, Event, People, Wedding

At Kev & Eithne’s wedding in east Cork back in July. A fantastic event held at an incredible location. Also very glad to see that Kev wore his usual footwear. Good man Kev!

St. Kevins Back Yard

August 26, 2009 Canon 50, Canon 5D, Landscape, Wicklow

Glendalough, much earlier in the year. One of those magical places in Ireland that I’ve never failed to come away from with a shot that works.

Way to spend a Sunday

August 25, 2009 Canon 50, Canon 5D, Dublin, Event

Been down to the market in Blackrock a couple of times now. Lots of interesting stuff there. Topped off nicely with a crepe and then a walk up the street for a cup of something tasty in Starbucks.