
Rust Bucket for Dust Bucket

May 29, 2010 Canon 5D

Taking the opportunity to go back over an entire lightroom catalog after moving it all to the new computer, I realise I\’ve still processed very little of New York in 2009. Need to get moving on that, and well, lots more besides.


September 12, 2008 Canon 24-70, Canon 5D, Macro, Waterford

Rusted cogs, part of a long ago abandoned piece of machinery on the copper coast in Waterford. Impossible to get started, or so you’d think. With a little work and enough determination, anything can be made to work.

Guide Us

June 25, 2008 Canon 50, Canon 5D, Waterford

Guidance, lost forever in a small port in Waterford. At least this way if anyone’s looking for it, you know where to go to find it.